Cage is a complicated character. He's had an awful childhood which has left its mark (although we don't really get told much about his childhood). His usual routine is to use and discard women, with the exception of Low - his best friend.
In this book we know he was caught driving under the influence of alcohol... but we don't know the circumstances around it. We don't know the court’s decision/penalties. We just know he isn't allowed to drive and is in danger of losing his scholarship at college... What he is studying is anyone's guess. What he wants to do in life is also anyone's guess. There is no fleshing out of his character.
Eva is a wonderful character. She is so hurt and lost after the death of her fiancé... Eighteen months have passed from his death and she hasn't been able to move on. Her anger towards Cage in the beginning is believable. Her growing attraction to him and the way she opens up to him are well done and her hesitance and confusion are all understandable and relatable. BUT we don't know much about her. Does she go to college? Does she work? What does she want in the future? Marriage? Babies? To be a professional musician? No fleshing out!!
The relationship between them is sweet and sexy and develops in a way which is completely believable... The ending is particularly sweet.
I also liked the update on Marcus & Low and seeing the other characters (Preston, Rock etc.) again.
3 out of 5 stars.